Science Extra Credit
Myth Busters
The episode I watched was called “Cooling a Six-Pack.” Myth Busters was about the fastest way to cool a beer. The Myth that the Myth Busters had to crack was that they had to see if they put a six pack of beer under a pile of sand, then pour gasoline all over the sand and light it on fire that it would be cold enough to drink. Adam and Jamie were the ones who preformed the experiment. After they busted the Myth, they wanted to actually find the fastest way to cool a beer. They both made some experiments and tested them. The first one they tested was where you pour a beer into a place with freezing cold copper. It didn’t work. Also, they sprayed liquid nitrogen in a steel pipe and put it in the beer. That didn’t work either.
The Myth Busters didn’t follow any lab safety rules. When the Myth Busters had to put the sand on fire they didn’t even wear goggles when the sand was splattering. Also, when they had to use the liquid nitrogen all they did was they poured it on without any gloves or any goggles. What they did was too dangerous. The liquid nitrogen could have frozen their fingers off when it exploded in a gigantic burst.
They knew liquid nitrogen was cold, so they tried to use it to their advantage to cool off the beer. They also knew that burning the gasoline MIGHT cool off the beer because the same way heat is sucked out of water’s surroundings when its evaporated, burning gasoline would suck the heat out of its surroundings. To be careful and know how to handle materials such as gasoline, a fire extinguisher, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen, you would need to be knowledgeable about science. The knowledge that they know about science makes them able to have experience about the situation
Lit poems
14 years ago